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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  January 20, 2022 11:34pm-12:37am PST

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>> they're jamming. that's fun. >> they released the promotional video hyping the pepsi super bowl lvi halftime show. snoop, kendrick lamar and mary j.blige and they'll jam for us. it is going to happen at the sofi stadium. you are watching the actual super bowl right here on sunday, february 13th. you will be at the super bowl. >> if i was sitting next to snoop. that'll be better. >> you need a coat. >> we got the olympics and the super bowl coming up in february. it is going to be big. >> all right, we'll see you tomorrow. bye, bye. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon."
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tonight, join jimmy and his guests - will forte jennifer coolidge. musical guest, gunna and featuring the legeary roots crew >> questlove: 1588 >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: oh my goodness i love you i love you please, welcome, everybody welcome, welcome, welcome to the "tonight show. you're here. [ cheers and applause thank you for watching well, guys, today marks one full year in office for president biden.
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it's been a challenging a year when asked what he's learned, biden said, "being vice president was a hell of a lot more fun." [ laughter ] a year ago, biden pledged to address covid, the economy, climate change, and racial injustice. and good news, after 12 months of tireless effort, we're all getting three free masks [ laughter and applause this is nice biden's inaugural committee marked his anniversary by releasing a video touting america's recovery, narrated by tom hanks. hanks wasn't the first choice, but staffers had to explain to biden that gary cooper died 60 years ago [ laughter ] meanwhile, yesterday in his two-hour press conference, biden -- two-hour press conference biden covered a lot and said the u.s. might not do anything if russia's invasion of ukraine is only minor. [ light laughter ] one of his few slip-ups.
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and it's a big deal because at biden's age, any slip could be a catastrophe. [ laughter ] what is a minor invasion soldiers sticks one foot in ukraine? he's like, "just kidding!" [ laughter ] well, today, biden tried to clear things up by saying any russian invasion would be met with severe economic response. biden was like, "try me, tough guy, and i'll turn your economy into ours. [ laughter ] yep, over time, biden will hit putin with economic penalties. in other words, biden is using the same strategy as netflix [ laughter ] "it's only another dollar. can't stop now." during the press conference, biden also said that kamala harris would be his running mate again in 2024 then he mentioned they're already working on potential campaign slogans for their re-election. take a look at these first up, there's, "biden-harris. are you mad at us? i feel like you're mad at us." [ laughter ] next they have, "biden-harris.
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four more years of heated arguments at thanksgiving. [ laughter ] and finally, there's "biden-harris. vote for us in 2024 if we even make it to 2024. [ laughter and applause pretty good. some business news, today amazon announced that this year it's opening its own clothing store called amazon style. i'm not sure amazon style is the best option when your founder dresses like this. but i don't know [ laughter ] that's right amazon is focusing on clothing even crazier, abercrombie & fitch is going to start launching people into space. [ laughter ] well, this is fun. i saw that queen elizabeth is getting into the condiment business that's right, she's releasing her own royal estate tomato sauce. the queen says the tomato sauce is just like her mother's servant used to make [ laughter ] did you guys see this?
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last week prince andrew was stripped of his royal status, and now his official twitter and youtube accounts have been deleted. the queen was like, "no twitter. no youtube now to go your castle. [ laughter ] i saw that the ceo of just confirmed that it suffered a security breach and hundreds of accounts were hacked that's terrible. i mean, if you can't trust a a website called [ laughter ] hey, i heard that police in canada are looking for a man who allegedly stole an $8,000 guitar by hiding it in his pants. [ laughter ] the first giveaway guitar-shaped pants. [ laughter ] when he was approached by security, he was like, "oh, i walked in with this guitar in my pants." [ laughter ] the guy was easy to spot he was the one walking away from the store like -- [ guitar strumming ] [ laughter and applause
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finally, a home listing in wisconsin has gone viral because of the house's unusual bathroom set-up. take a look at this. it's real. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's weird when you knock on the door and three people are like, "occupied!" [ laughter ] ♪ occupie occupied occupied occupied ♪ ♪ occupied ♪ >> jimmy: we have a great show give it up for the roots, ladies and gentlemen [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: what a great show we have for you tonight he stars in the new series "macgruber," which is streaming now on peacock, and he's hosting "saturday night live" this weekend with musical guest maneskin will forte is here
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[ cheers and applause forte! plus, she is amazing from the hbo series, "the white lotus. boy, that was a home run jennifer coolidge is here. [ cheers and applause and his new album "ds4ever" is number one on the billboard 200 albums chart right now we've got music from gunna [ cheers and applause "ds4ever." first of all, i want to say a quick happy birthday to our pal, questlove it's his - [ cheers and applause hey, happy birthday, bud >> questlove: thank you. >> jimmy: so much going on a lot to talk about. i mean, it's questlove's birthday today, is joe biden's one-year anniversary as president this is actually nice. a lot of people reached out to congratulate biden >> steve: really >> jimmy: yeah, check out some
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of the text messages he got. for instance, kamala harris wrote, "congrats on year one, mr. president. i'll be there soon to help you open this text." [ laughter ] >> steve: aw >> jimmy: isn't that nice? >> steve: that's sweet she cares. >> jimmy: yeah, and former president obama wrote, "i'm toasting you from the beach. #suckstobeyou. [ laughter and applause nice again next up, joe manchin wrote, "as much as i'd like to, i just can't support your anniversary. [ applause ] >> steve: come on, that's a good one >> jimmy: as much as i'd like to - i just can't do it >> steve: can't do it, no. >> jimmy: then tom brady wrote, "it was a tough first year, but nobody's perfect well, except me. [ laughter and applause next up, bernie sanders wrote, "congrats from the only man in washington who can call you 'kid.' [ laughter and applause then donald trump wrote, "how about this, if you reinstate me on twitter, you can have eric. [ laughter and applause and finally, prince andrew wrote, "on the bright side, i'd kill for your approval rating right now.
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[ laughter and applause it's nice to hear from everybody. stick around, we're doing something fun with will forte when we come back. aw, come on. come on. [ cheers and applause ♪ jason: i came out paddle boarding and a hard wind came in and it's pushing me out to sea. responder: it's pushing you out to sea? jason: yeah. jason: i'm pretty far out in the ocean and i've been stuck out here for a couple hours. responder: alright so it's getting a little hairy? jason: i can't fight the wind anymore. responder: we're going to send for a water rescue. okay? jason: thank you. responder: no don't appreciate nothing. we have everybody coming for you. ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: welcome back we have such a great show for you tonight. you know what? before we go, i'm a little hungry so if you don't mind, i'm going to grab something right now from the "tonight show" freezer really quick it will only take a second sorry about that ♪ [ cheers and applause >> announcer: freezer secrets. >> jimmy: no help i'm stuck. i'm stuck in the freezer >> there's no use. >> jimmy: will forte [ cheers and applause what are you doing here? >> well, i thought this was the bathroom and i didn't realize wasn't until i tried to leave
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ll >> jimmy: this is awful i knew it was a mistake buying a soundproof freezer we're doomed >> yeah. well, since this is the end, i have a few secrets i need to get off my chest >> jimmy: same ♪ one time, i finished a box of cereal, and put the empty box back in the cupboard [ laughter ] >> i did something similar once >> jimmy: really >> yeah. you know the trivago guy [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: sure >> back in 2004, me and him got away with vehicular manslaughter [ laughter ] >> jimmy: will, that's way worse than what i said >> tomato, tomahto [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: tonight, during our interview, i was going to mention how many i love macgruber but i've never seen it [ light laughter ] >> to be fair, i've never seen
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"the tonight show. [ laughter ] the only show i watch is - >> both: "cocoa melon. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: whenever i go to chipotle, i fill my water cup with soda. >> whenever i go to chipotle, i fill my soda cup with water. >> jimmy: why? >> because i'm not like the other girls. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i still don't understand how nfts work >> nfts don't work that's the whole point [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: wait, what do you think nft stands for >> nonfunctioning testicle [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause and i have two of them >> jimmy: when we were on "snl" together, i thought you were an intern [ laughter ] i asked you to get me coffee multiple times
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>> i spit in that coffee every time [ laughter ] and not just a normal amount i filled that coffee to the brim it was all spit. no coffee. [ laughter ] i watched you drink it and say -- you'd say, "this is the best coffee i've ever had please get me another one. that's what you sound like >> jimmy: it really, really was good coffee. >> remember when people were mailing anthrax to 30 rock >> jimmy: that was you >> no. it was rachel dratch [ laughter ] >> jimmy: my real name isn't jimmy fallon it's stanley tucci it was already taken, so i had to change my name. >> my real name isn't will forte it's gwyneth paltrow [ laughter ] and i had the idea for goop. not her. >> steve: gwyneth? wait, i should not leave my mask on. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah [ laughter and applause
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>> start over, right >> jimmy: the whole sketch start the whole sketch over. >> steve: start again. ready? >> who goes there? should i do the "my real name isn't will forte"? >> jimmy: yeah >> okay. my real -- [ laughter ] >> steve: aren't you guys freezing >> should we recast this [ laughter ] >> jimmy: one more time. >> i'm doing the gwyneth paltrow line again >> steve: oh, you're going to say the line >> jimmy: yeah, he's going to say the line >> steve: okay >> jimmy: there's smoke in this freezer. >> my real name isn't will forte it's gwyneth paltrow [ light laughter ] and i had the idea for goop. not her. >> steve: gwyneth? tucci? are you guys freezing? >> jimmy: not anymore. i mean, our happiness and our friendship has defrosted us. we're saved! [ laughter ]
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[ cheers and applause [ clicking ] >> steve: do you hear that >> oh, it's nothing. just my nfts [ laughter ] >> jimmy: let's go [ cheers and applause ♪ >> announcer: this has been "freezer secrets." stick around for more "tonight show" after the break. [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪♪ gravity. it's a force to be reckoned with. no one knows better than we do. but without gravity, you can't have lift. the very thing that holds you down is the very thing that helps you rise above. thanks to gravity, the real force to be reckoned with just might be you. ♪♪ (music)
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check to see your new lower price. covered california. this way to health insurance. enrollment ends january 31st. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that this comcast has connectedce. to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our first guest is a a very, very funny man and the star of the new series, "macgruber," which is streaming now on peacock this weekend he is hosting "saturday night live" with
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musical guest maneskin ladies and gentleman, please welcome will forte [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: so happy to see you! >> oh, it's great to see you >> jimmy: what did you bring with you >> okay, so i -- this is -- first of all, i thought you would appreciate it. it's wrapped in a burger heaven bag. >> jimmy: oh, dude, i remember hamburger -- >> yeah. oh, my god it was so good >> jimmy: we used to eat there all the time >> so when i first came to "snl" in 2002 -- >> jimmy: uh-huh >> -- this book had just come out, "live from new york." and i decided -- they gave all of us on the cast -- i'm sure you got one, too it's an awesome book that's, like, very good bathroom reading. good reading anywhere, but - [ laughter ] i find it works in the
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bathroom >> jimmy: yeah, it's a great book >> but -- so what i decided to do is to get each host every week who came through to sign the book, so by the end of eight years, i just had this amazing collection of signatures and i brought it back with me so could i get the current cast to sign it while i'm here this week so -- >> jimmy: wow. >> it's crazy, though. it's, like, got -- you know, there are two presidents in here and u2 is in here and, like, i'm sure you're in here. i've got a -- i actually wrote -- because a lot of people, i couldn't figure out who it is. so this is my little graph of who is who, so let me see -- oh, i don't have my glasses, so you're - >> jimmy: i can read it for you. >> okay, there's bono right there. barack obama >> jimmy: what [ audience ohs ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: this is a great book >> it's just amazing and this is -- you know, it's so funny because i - >> jimmy: paul rudd. >> oh, yeah. i mean, you know - tom brady and robert de niro, just -- bootsy collins it's just this amazing collection of people from -- you know, just a bunch of different people, so it's just -
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>> jimmy: hanks! >> one of my prized collections. and then jason sudeikis got this for me. we did this sketch called "potato chip" at "snl" and this was -- he had a playbill made up of it [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is that blake lively who's in "potato chip" with you? >> yeah. blake lively and sudeikis is back there, so - >> jimmy: i love that he made it into a playbill >> oh, yeah. it was fun >> jimmy: thank you for bringing this in i appreciate this stuff. i will say one of the coolest things that -- i really want to say, i've experienced backstage, you showed me first thing i did when i walked in, you show me a picture of your baby you have a newborn baby. >> oh, yeah! [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: you have a beautiful baby girl. >> thank you >> jimmy: will, i mean, that's amazing. >> yeah. the nfts was just a thing we said in the sketch [ laughter ] they're fts. >> jimmy: they are fts they are fts but i think it's a cool move, because we've known each other for a long, long time now.
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>> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: but isn't it fun to go in -- i go, "how are you doing, buddy?" and we hug, and you're like, "i've got to show you my baby. >> it's the best thing ever. and like, you know, it's -- i'm so excited to be here hosting. but it's stressful you're running around all over the place, and i'm an overthinker anyway, so i'm stressed out about everything, and then you go home and you're with that little baby and it's just -- you know, it's like everything just goes - >> jimmy: yeah congrats on that >> calms you down. >> jimmy: it's awesome, your wife, being married. also, you were telling me that your family had to recently, like, move stuff out of your -- you had to move out of your house. >> yes yes, so this requires a teeny bit of back story before i tell you what happened with that. so back when i was working at "the last of man on earth," kristen schaal, who was my co-worker, went on an alternative talk show to yours, you're not the only person with a talk show. [ laughter ] and she has gone -- okay, i'll
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say it it's conan conan. she went on conan's talk show. >> jimmy: uh-huh [ laughter ] okay >> she taught -- one of the things she brought up was the fact that we worked two blocks away from the biggest dildo manufacturer in the country. i think it's in the country or maybe the world, it's called pipedreams [ laughter ] so pipedreams sees this segment and they go like, "oh, my god. that's amazing thanks for bringing it up. sends invitations to us to come and check out their dildo manufacturing operations all our "last man on earth" people so like, an hr nightmare we all go over there - >> jimmy: you said yes >> oh, yeah. oh, my god how do you say no to that? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's an hr nightmare >> we all went over there, and then started again, but then i went on conan and told the story of the tour that we took of the place and then they saw that and they were like, "oh, we've got to send these guys tons of dildos and different sex toys." so, like, you know, of course, another hr nightmare all this stuff is sent to us
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so, you know, there were, like, dildos around our workplace for a long time. >> jimmy: yeah >> and so i -- you know, i'm not a dildo person [ laughter ] and i got rid of all my things, but there was one thing that i had to keep because it was very -- i found it cute. it's this, like, miniature water cooler, but instead of water, it's sexual lubricant in there. [ laughter ] so anyway, that's it, and it's cute, right? it's a cute little - [ laughter ] and it's like this big and i'm like - so that's the setup for this so cut to seven years later or whatever it is, and the forte family is going through a mold problem. we had - >> jimmy: mold in you house. >> toxic black mold. >> jimmy: wow. >> we had to get out so people come in and they, you know -- because we had a baby, so it was like immediately get out. it's not take anything just get out >> jimmy: sure >> so this company comes in. i'll say it. servpro. they did a great job
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they come in and they, you know, clean up all the mold and they clean every individual item that you have, and then box it up, and so they got through with that whole situation. mold is gone we go back into the place and i've got to go through all the boxes. so i'm looking through all these boxes and, you know, they're very good. they label everything on the sides of the boxes. and it's, you know, books and files. it's a bunch of normal stuff and then i come to this one box. it was a little confusing, because i couldn't figure it out. and yeah, so this was -- personal moisture. [ laughter ] >> and i was like -- i couldn't figure it out, because i didn't -- you know so i get it, i open it - >> jimmy: personal moisture. >> the lube cooler >> jimmy: yes, the lube cooler, which is not the name -- it should be the name of it >> and then i realized, like, i started going through more boxes. and there were like -- from their -- how they labeled stuff, i realized, "i think they think i'm a creep." [ laughter ]
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or a weirdo. i don't know >> jimmy: i don't know if we can zoom in -- if we can see what - >> oh, that says "sony video camera, poop, fart." [ laughter ] what is that there's like an emoji -- i had a poop emoji candlethat somebody gave me, and then a a bottle of fart spray which is hard to describe it's just fart in a can. >> jimmy: yeah, fart in -- yeah, yeah funny. it's a joke, yeah. but this one made me laugh this one says -- >> "glass, light bulbs, u-verse, pee container." [ laughter ] i did know what that one was [ laughter ] container for your -- a medical -- my wife had gotten me for that. there's a long story to that you don't need to know it. but she did -- i am the owner of a pee container [ laughter ] >> jimmy: do you remember you got me a gift once, a nice -- to pass the time do you remember that you got me this >> i don't >> jimmy: you got me a puzzle. and if i put the puzzle together, it was your butt >> oh, yes
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[ laughter ] a friend gave that to me as a gift and then i regifted it to him, because i was like - [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but then you told me -- after you gave it to me, like i was never going to put it together, you said to me that it might be missing a a piece. [ laughter ] so i have to put it together to see which piece is missing and then call you. but i still have the puzzle somewhere. >> you've got to do that >> jimmy: i know, i know, i know >> we'll do it together. >> jimmy: let's do it together, perfect. [ laughter ] >> next time we're locked in a a freezer. >> jimmy: we're locked in a freezer. i want to talk about "macgruber." i want to talk about the "macgruber" series on peacock after the break. more with will forte, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪
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[upbeat acoustic music throughout] [upbeat acoustic music throughout]
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well, would you look at that? jerry, you gotta see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks... gets a little old. i really should be retired by now. wish i'd invested when i had the chance... to the moon! ugh. unbelievable. wouldn't it be great if all valentine's day gifts were filled with peanut butter? ♪♪ well, i mean... maybe not... all of them. maybe it's just reese's that are better. medusa lived with a hideous curse. uhh, i mean the whole turning people to stone thing was a bit of a buzz kill, right?
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: welcome back we're here with will forte who is hosting "saturday night live" this weekend are you excited to be hosting "saturday night live"? >> oh, i'm so excited. yeah, i'm so excited it's so fun to be back there are so many friends who are still there. you know, most of the -- there are so many people in the crew who were there when i was there. >> jimmy: yeah, i love everybody. >> so fun. a lot of new people that i am just getting to work with for the first time in the cast and the writers, so it's just -- i'm super excited. >> jimmy: it's kind of fun how "macgruber" brought you back to host >> yeah. >> jimmy: because it started at "snl" -- >> yeah, whatever time >> jimmy: "macgruber" is, like, the best dude, "macgruber" was the funniest thing, and i go, "that was great," and then you did it again. i go, "oh, my gosh it's amazing." and then you made it into another sketch, and then you made it into a movie, and it was unbelievable and dude, kristen wiig is just -- you guys together. >> she's -- kristen is the best i mean, she is the best. and who would have ever thought? i mean, the -- you know, the movie did not well
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it did - [ laughter ] i mean not -- i'm being very kind to the movie by saying it did not well i mean, we loved it. we were proud of it, but not a a lot of people went to see it, so it was very exciting to - you know, there was -- it felt like a little level of redemption to be able to come back all those years later and get to make it again >> jimmy: why did you decide to do it again? >> i mean, from the moment that the movie did not do well at the box office, we were like, "you know what let's not let this be the last word on this we love it, and even if we have to come back and make a movie with our iphones, we're going to do something -- we're going to do something again. and so it took 12 years. we've got a -- you know. [ laughter ] we got a crack is crazy. >> jimmy: you've got great new faces in the case, dude, lawrence fishburne >> lawrence fishburne >> jimmy: sam elliott is in your show. how did you convince sam elliott to do "macgruber"? >> oh, my god. i think he was on the fence and -- i think he had been -- he was considering it and then he was -- i think his agents pushed him over the fence and then i got a call from my agent saying, "sam wants you to call him. and i think it was to --
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you know, he just wanted to see if i was a dickhead. like -- so i called him and somehow strung together a ten-minute period of time where i wasn't a dickhead. >> jimmy: yeah >> and i don't know how i did it >> jimmy: yeah, right? >> you know, he -- it was just amazing getting to work with him. and lawrence fishburne -- man! i mean - >> jimmy: dude, lawrence fishburne, legend >> yeah. so sam elliott was there for like a week because -- you know, we kind of were able to schedule it to get him in and out. lawrence fishburne was kind of in a bunch more, so we got to see him for a much longer period of time and i had my birthday while i was there, and he got me this awesome knife this beautiful knife it's a switchblade, and the card is the cool - it's this, like, very sweet card, and then at the very end, he says, you know, something about "i got you this knife, because sometimes you got to cut a [ bleep ].
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[ laughter and applause and it was like -- >> jimmy: oh, my god >> it's the perfect -- it's my favorite card ever >> jimmy: it might be better than the present the card is unbelievable you have to frame that that goes in the book. >> jimmy: i want to show everyone a clip. here's will forte and lawrence fishburne in "macgruber." take a look. >> thank you the attack on potus is a highly coordinated strike using advanced ttp and e&e capabilities so it's likely that our enemy is ex-military now, the exchange is set for 0800 >> that's 8:00 a.m -- o'clock. >> 8:00 a.m. that's correct >> ante meridiem that's what a.m. stands for. >> right >> i'd always wondered what it stood for, and so that's it, you know, i looked it up >> yeah. continue [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: oh, my god will forte, everybody. "macgruber" is streaming now on peacock.
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check him out this weekend hosting "saturday night live." we'll be right back with jennifer coolidge. stick around everybody thank you bud! ♪ thank you bud! ♪ [ cheers and applause as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ ♪ ♪ when you shop at target, only pay for what you need. you leave with what you value most. like healthy foods and brands that lift our communities. at target, the things that matter are always within reach. what we value most, shouldn't cost more.
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our next guest is a very talented actor who has been receiving rave reviews for a performance in the "white lotus. all episodes of the show are streaming now on hbo max everyone, please welcome jennifer coolidge! [ cheers and applause ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: jennifer >> yeah! >> jimmy: that's right oh, my goodness. it is so great to see you. >> oh, my gosh thank you for having me. >> jimmy: welcome to the show. you look fantastic it's your first time on our show, but it feels like we've hung out or we talked or something. >> i know, we went on a date one time [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah >> i don't know if you remember it >> jimmy: yeah, of course i remember that, yeah. i wanted to say congrats on "white lotus." i wanted to talk about it. you just nailed it i mean, it was a home run, buddy. you were so good on that but before we get into that, i wanted to say that we've had many guests on our show that have done impressions of you >> yeah. >> jimmy: and great ones >> who would have thought? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: if you're up for it, i would love to show you a few
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of these impressions >> oh, yeah. i think i know -- i know some great ones i've seen on instagram. okay, yeah who do you got >> jimmy: chloe fineman was here >> oh, my god. >> jimmy: here's her jennifer coolidge impression >> oh, i'm going to make you a a pie, dumbass [ laughter ] yeah >> jimmy: yeah, is that amazing? >> it is it is amazing. you know, it's so weird because you don't really know who you are ever really. you know, in an objective point. you know, in a sort of perspective. but, then you see people and you're like, "that's who i am?" [ laughter ] oh, all right. i'll take it i mean, she -- i like that >> jimmy: but when you get in the zone but the first time i think i heard anyone do an impression of you is when arianna grande was here a few years ago and here's arianna's impression of jennifer. >> god, you look like the fourth of july i'm taking the dog, dumbass. [ laughter ] >> i know. >> jimmy: come on! arianna grande crushing it
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that's a great impression. >> unbelievable. but you know, you should know that it was sort of the beginning of a lot of cool things that happened for me. because, i don't know. i sort of, you know, i was going through a dead zone. and not much was going on. and then, arianna did this imitation on your show, and you encouraged her and then, this ball got rolling. i mean, you know, my friend who's like her age, teresa, she was like, "hey, you know, you should dm arianna and just say, you know, because i thought it was such a good imitation. and i was like, "no, she's got like 260 million followers." those are robots the robots answer the dms and we will never ever get to her ever and then, i did it anyway. and then, this response came back and then, next thing you know, i was going to her house getting fit for a wardrobe fitting for "thank you, next." so it was all because of
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jimmy fallon yes. yes. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: wait, this is amazing to hear this so from that ari thing, it all grew and then, but do you do impressions? >> i do -- you know, what i do is i do people that no one knows what they sound like like, i did -- i used to get to the front of a nightclub where everyone's waiting to go in line, and then, i would be like, "you know, i'm muffin hemingway, who is like one of the hemingway sisters that no one knew what she sounded like and then, and if i had to get into a restaurant with my friends, we didn't have any money at that time but if we wanted to get a restaurant, i would go -- i would call up the restaurant as eileen ford the modeling agent and no one knew what she sounded like not a lot of people. and i would just be like, "hi, it's eileen ford, and i've got a bunch of my girls that would like to come and -- they're all models of course and a bunch of them would love
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to come over to your restaurant tonight. and then, and then, like, 20 minutes later, this very motley crue would walk in. no one looked like a model somewhere like four foot eleven everyone was like -- and -- but, you know, they couldn't get out of it they already had the table but -- then we couldn't go to that restaurant ever again [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: but that's a great impression of someone that no one's ever heard of. let's talk about "white lotus. when that script, because that was written for you. that's what i heard. >> yeah, sort of, mike had - you know, yeah, he's sort of, observed me on a trip that we went on. i think he sort of thought maybe i could do that part because he sort of, you know, he saw how - >> jimmy: how you can -- >> how weird i was, yeah >> jimmy: but there's no one else that could have done what did. there's no one else. there's not one human being that could have done what did you on the show. it was perfect it was one of a kind
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[ cheers and applause >> oh thank you, thank you >> jimmy: and it was amazing >> thank you >> jimmy: the delivery, just how quick. oh, my gosh. anyways. originally, you go, "i don't know if i feel like doing this." >> i know, you know -- well, yeah i didn't want to -- i didn't want to do it. because i know a lot of people were on the pelotons over the -- when covid began and everything i don't know i was -- that was not my journey. i just sort of, it was me and my friend carolyn in my house in new orleans and we just -- we ate maybe six pizzas a day [ laughter ] and then, you know, and then, this part gets offered and i was just like, "yeah, i'm not, i'm not doing it. i'm not doing it." you know, i tried to, you know, figure out these ways to get out of it. with like, medical excuse, whatever and then, mike sort of caught on to me because i know he caught on because he sent me a text in the middle of the night. i was in new orleans and he was in l.a. and he sent this text. my little phone dinged
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i was just trying to think of something that sounded believable i had partial hip problems, you know, where i couldn't turn. [ laughter ] i don't know i came up with all these weird things but then, mike just that, "are you afraid?" and i was like, "oh, jesus, he's on to me. and then, i still thought of trying to get out of it. but then, i was over at my friend's chase's house one day and she goes, "are you going to hawaii to do that job with mike?" i said, "no, i'm not i'm not doing it." and then, she said, "you know what you're an idiot. and guess what, you're insane and you're going." and you know, just sort of, a girlfriend sort of talked me off, out of my insanity. because you know when you're actors, this big moment can happen sometimes and then you just blow it and you go, "yeah, i'm going to do that next year i'm going to go on a trip. you just blow it somehow >> jimmy: yeah >> and for whatever reason, a good friend -- >> jimmy: just said, "hey, go do it. snap out of it."
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yeah, and you can do this. and you went and did it. >> well, yeah. people really liked it >> jimmy: they loved it. >> mike white is brilliant he wrote a great show. and then, yeah >> jimmy: critics love it, fans love it. congrats, it's well deserved all the nominations. i know they just announced the next installment of "white lotus" is coming on hbo. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and they're going to change a lot of the characters but i go, all the fans are like, "is jennifer coolidge coming back? >> well, i don't know. there is a rumor i'm coming back i hope -- there's a rumor that "legally blonde" three is happening. i mean, there's a lot of rumors out there. i hope - [ cheers and applause i hope they're all, like - but i don't know i don't know >> jimmy: you don't know i'm not jinxing anything but you couldn't have been better in this thing and man, i would watch this every day for the rest of my life i didn't want it to end. it was so great. i want to show everyone a clip here's the magnificent jennifer coolidge in the "white lotus. take a look at this. >> yeah, he likes the first layer, maybe i don't know but what about the second layer?
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and the third layer? and then, every step along the way. you know, i have to worry about, you know, is it going to like the next layer? i get all afraid how much do i want to show him you know, is he going to be repulsed or is he going to be alarmed and at the core of the onion, belinda, is just a straight up alcoholic lunatic. >> that's not true >> no, it is it is. i just want to show my hand. i don't want to play poker anymore. i want to skip all the layers and go straight to the crazy and just like, you know, let the chips fall where they may. and you know, just show them just show them the core of the onion. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: yes! jennifer coolidge, everybody all episodes of the "white lotus" are streaming now on hbo max. we'll be back with a a performance from gunna stick around [ cheers and applause ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: i know he has the number one album in the world right now, but also i think this is, like, the number one album cover. this is, like, iconic. great job right here performing "empire" from his number one album "ds4ever," here is gunna. [ cheers and applause ♪
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♪ ♪ they ain't think we'd get the cream uh now w livin' out our dreams ♪ ♪ and the whole world our lot of bosses in the tea we bust it down ♪ ♪ no need for greed tryna build an empir i separate my wants ♪ ♪ and needs i'm booked out way in german and the prices gettin' higher ♪ ♪ i'm peepin' all my frenemies that lil' -- ♪ ♪ it don't mean nothin' to m all the hate why you ain't tired ♪ ♪ young gunna got a preference she eat tha -- for breakfast you see ♪ ♪ i'm interested i wanna -- your best friend i'm countin up with profession ♪ ♪ and got good sense of ion free my -- o that kiosk can't smile ♪ ♪ why towshbowl see in and see out ♪ ♪ gt not a fiat i'm serious just like t. rose gold stones hittin' ♪ ♪ in the nigh
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look like a neon if players talkin' you know i'm catchin' ♪ ♪ -- like deion and i was brok but i ain't goin' back ♪ ♪ i thank the g-o-d i got all these rack you call my phon too much at once ♪ ♪ ain't gon' never hit back hopefully you get that business done you gone go ♪ ♪ lay on your bac i was born to wi lord forgive m might have to sin again ♪ ♪ it's crazy but yo set a tren a lot of -- need a name it's crazy ♪ ♪ but you set a trend i'm knockin' bab let me in ♪ ♪ i need an angel not a friend protection that'll never end ♪ ♪ they ain't think we'd get the crea now we livin out our dreams ♪ ♪ and the whole world our lot of bosses in the tea we bust it dow no need for greed ♪ ♪ tryna build an empire i separate my wants and need i'm booked out way in germany ♪ ♪ and the price gettin' higher i'm peepin all my frenemies ♪ ♪ that lil' - it don't mean nothin' to m all the hate
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when you ain't tired ♪ ♪ you ain't tired yea all the hate whe you ain't tire ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: my thanks to will forte, jennifer coolidge, gunna once again gunna. and, of course, the birthday boy and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania [ cheers and applause thank you for watching stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers. goodnight, everybody thank you! [ cheers and applause ♪
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♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers. tonight -- ricky gervais -- star of "the righteous gemstones," actress edi patterson -- an all-new "closer look. featuring the 8g band with daniel fang. ♪ [ cheers and applause and w, seth meyers >> seth: good evening, i'm seth meyers. this is "late night. we're so happy to be with you this evening, and now we're going to get to the news president biden yesterday held a one hour and 51 minute press conference it was the first thing americans actually wishe


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